
Terms and conditions

Check-in / Check-out policy
Check in time   - 15:00
Check out time - 11:00

Early check-in and late check out are provided upon availability.
Please, contact us on the phone ot e-mail.
Payment Policy
Payment policy might differ, depending on the available rate. Please check the exact payment policy next to the Rate name.
Pet policy
Pets are welcome. Please, notice in advance.
3500 Ft/night
General policy
Reception open hours - 07:00-23:00
Reception availability for phone calls - 24/7
House concierge availability - 24/7 mob. +36 30 679 58 34
Breakfast hours in Premier Hotel Miskolc
On weekdays: 07:00-09:00
On weekends: 07:00-10:00
In room food and beverage delivery - 08:00-23:00
Cancellation Policy
Cancellation policy might differ, depending on the available rate. Please check the exact cancellation policy next to the Rate name.

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Property Information

Macropolis Apartments - Hungary
Mobile: +36708660612
3526 - Misokolc
Arany János tér 1
Show location on map
NTAK reg. number:

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