
Terms and conditions

Check-in / Check-out policy
Check-In: 15:00 ; Check Out: 10:00
Payment Policy
Payment policy might differ, depending on the available rate. Please check the exact payment policy next to the Rate name.
Pet policy
Dogs and cats are allowed in the hotel: 5900 HUF/night.

Pets are allowed in the hotel room under the supervision of the guest. Pets are allowed to use the common areas for access to the rooms, other areas (restaurant, fitness room, etc.) are not accessible to pets.
Cancellation Policy
Cancellation policy might differ, depending on the available rate. Please check the exact cancellation policy next to the Rate name.

My Booking

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Property Information

Lelle Hotel *** - Hungary
Phone: +36 1 211 2906
Mobile: +36 1 211 2905
8638 - Balatonlelle
Honvéd utca 12.
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NTAK reg. number:

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