
Terms and conditions

Check-in / Check-out policy
The staff is available for personal reception between 14:00 and 16:00. The reception is available by phone 24/7. The staff speaks English at a native level.

Arrival: On the day of arrival, you can check in from 2:00 p.m., the reception waits for your guests in person until 4:00 p.m. Exact address: 2621 Verőce, Árpád út 2/b. (Arriving in Verőcé from Vác, the first large building is on the main street of the village, on the left hand side.)
Our telephone number: +36 30 092 1696.

Departure: You must leave the accommodation by 10 o'clock on the day of departure. Later departures (depending on availability) are possible for an additional fee of HUF 3,000/hour. Please discuss this request with the receptionist in advance.
Payment Policy
Payment policy might differ, depending on the available rate. Please check the exact payment policy next to the Rate name.
Pet policy
Pet policy

Dear interested parties, our guests!

Please be sure to find out about the regulations regarding pets in our policy, if you also want to bring your pet with you!

We ask that you fully comply with the points in the policy during your stay with us!

Pet fee:

Pets are NOT allowed in our hotel!
A dog can only be brought in if it plays a helping role in its owner's life.

In exceptional cases, the pet fee: HUF 6,500/night/pet
All necessary ingredients are provided by the guest!

If you fail to inform our staff at the time of booking that you are bringing a pet, an amount of HUF 7,000/night/pet will be charged.

With a pet in the hotel:

A dog can only be brought in if it plays a helping role in its owner's life. Pets may NOT stay alone in the room.
It is forbidden to stay, sleep, etc. on the furniture!

Outdoors with a pet around the hotel:

In all cases, we ask our dear Guests to use a leash when walking for the protection of their pets and the peace of mind of other Guests.

In any case, we ask you to pick up the dirt after your animals. We take a lot of care of our yard and campsite, don't annoy others by not picking up the dirt after your dog.

Extra cleaning fee:

Our hotel may charge an additional cleaning fee if the housekeeper deems it so.


In the event of damage, our Hotel can make a claim for compensation, which can be notified to the guest upon departure or within the following 24 hours. Any damage detected during the daily cleaning will be assessed within 24 hours and the fee will be determined, which will be charged to your account.

Thank you for following all points of our policy!
Group Policy
In the case of a group booking, pay attention to the rest of the hotel guests!
General policy
DUNA P'ART PENSION GENERAL CONTRACT TERMS-valid from 12.07.2021 1. Service provider data  Accommodation provider/data manager Name: Duna P'Art Panzió  Headquarters: 2621 Verőce, Árpád út 2/b, hrsz 573  Legal representative: Berta McNeill-Bethlen  Operator: Verőcei Hajós Kft (2621 Verőce, Losi völgy 05/24 )  Tax number: 24142078-2-13; Operating number: 8/2021  NAKT number: PA23080465  Contact data protection matters: McNeill-Bethlen Berta, Director of Operations  CIB Bank: 10700323-72933628-5111005; -511000052. General rules 2.1 These "General Terms and Conditions" govern the use of the Service Provider's accommodations and their services. 2.2. Special, individual terms and conditions are not part of the published General Terms and Conditions, but do not exclude the conclusion of separate agreements with travel agents and organizers, sometimes with different conditions appropriate to the type of business. 3. Contracting party 3.1 The services provided by the Service Provider are used by the Guest. 3.2 If the Guest places the order for the services directly with the Service Provider, the Guest is the Contracting Party. The Service Provider and the Guest jointly - if the conditions are fulfilled - become contractual parties (hereinafter referred to as Parties). 3.3 If the order for the services is submitted to the Service Provider by a third party (hereinafter referred to as the Intermediary) on behalf of the Guest, the terms of cooperation are governed by the contract concluded between the Service Provider and the Intermediary . In this case, the Service Provider is not obliged to check whether the third party legally represents the Guest. 3.4 In the case of using a healthcare service, the Guest is obliged to inform the Service Provider of his physical health condition, and the Service Provider is obliged to draw attention to possible health risks. 4. The general terms and conditions and the scope of the contract 4.1 This contract and the general terms and conditions contained in it cover all services provided by the Service Provider as part of the accommodation service and which can be booked and used by the Guest and are indicated on the Service Provider's website at all times.  DUNA P'ART PANZIÓ, GTC 24.2 This contract is valid from July 12, 2021 until withdrawn. This contract contains the consolidated, amended, effective state of the Service Provider's previously valid contractual terms and conditions. 4.3 The Service Provider reserves the right to amend and supplement this contract within the framework of the relevant legislation. After amending or supplementing the contract, the Service Provider informs its Guests of the fact in a form available on its website, stating that contracts already concluded prior to the amendment are governed by the provisions of the contract in force at the time of conclusion of the contract. For Guests who have contracted with the Service Provider after the amendment, the amended terms and conditions apply. 4.4 The contracting parties consider e-mail communication between themselves as written, during which they have the right to discuss the information necessary to fulfill the subject of this contract. 4.5 By using the accommodation services provided by the Service Provider, thus any of the rooms by making a reservation, the Guest acknowledges that the current status of this contract at the time of the reservation is binding. Dear Guests, we ask that you carefully study and read this contract and all its conditions before deciding to book a room and only book the selected room(s) for the selected period if you fully agree with it. In order to finalize the reservation, it is necessary for the Guest to accept the terms and conditions of this contract and recognize them as binding on him. 4.6 This contract is valid for online sales to all Guests. 4.7 He has turned 14 through the online room reservation system, but he still spent his 18th birthday in me. a person of legal capacity can only purchase with the consent of the person exercising parental supervision. A person under the age of 14 may not book a room through the website, the person exercising parental supervision is entitled to act on their behalf during the reservation. 4.8 The Service Provider reserves the right to cancel the Guest's reservation if it detects fraudulent, speculative or bad faith use of the service by the Guest .4.9 The Guest is considered a consumer if the ordered service(s) do not serve commercial purposes or do not serve the professional activities of self-employed persons. On the other hand, any natural or legal person with legal capacity who performs a commercial or independent professional activity at the time of concluding the contract is not a consumer, but an entrepreneur. 4.10 In order to ensure the safety of its own business and services, the Service Provider does not allow bookings/purchases where the value of a booking and the number of items are the usual exceeds the consumer quantity. agreement signed by the Parties is required to amend and/or supplement the Agreement. 5.5 The Guest's intention to enter into a contract is available on the Service Provider's online interface, i.e. via the website 5.6 Acceptance of this contract: When finalizing the reservation in the reservation system, at the same time as submitting the reservation, before starting the payment process, the guest has the opportunity to familiarize himself with, interpret and recognize the present contract published there as binding, which on the interface of the reservation system, you can access it by clicking on the embedded link "General Terms and Conditions". The Guest can indicate his declaration of intent and agreement to the content of this contract, as well as his intention to enter into a contract in accordance with the present content, by ticking the blank box next to the embedded link and submitting the reservation to the Service Provider. By the Guest accepting this contract published on the embedded link called "General Terms and Conditions" and the Service Provider's "Data Management Policy" in the same manner, and then submitting the reservation and paying the consideration for the content of the reservation to the Service Provider, the Guest agrees to the provisions of this service contract and the Data Management Policy 5.7 The date of conclusion of this contract is the day on which the Service Provider confirmed it in the booking confirmation e-mail. 6. Basic accommodation services, Accommodation service 6.1. The accommodation service can be used with the current content and pricing indicated on the service provider's website. The Guest can find out about the currently available rooms, equipment and possible other services and the presentation of each room by clicking on the desired room on the Service Provider's website ( in your inquiry sent to the e-mail address indicated in point 5./ of chapter 6.2. Regarding the range, type, content and price of the services available within the framework of the accommodation service, the current content and pricing shown in the Service Provider's web store shall be the governing factor. The content and price of the service reserved and paid for by the Guest shall be validly considered to be the content and price that were listed on the Service Provider's website and in the reservation system when the service was ordered. The Service Provider reserves the right to make any changes it deems necessary to the list of DUNA P ’ART PANZIÓ, ÁSZF4, and prices without prior notice, so it is entitled to update the list and prices of available services on its website and in the reservation system on an unlimited basis. 7. Booking process and contract fulfillment 7.1. The Guest selects the room(s) he/she wishes to book from the menu item "Rooms" on During the booking process, information about rooms, services and prices is subject to confirmation and is not binding on the part of the Service Provider. 7.2. Room reservation: On the page of the selected room, the Guest can proceed in the reservation process by clicking on the "ROOM RESERVATION" menu item. The system then automatically redirects the Guest to the website of the Service Provider's reservation system partner, where the Guest can finalize their reservation by selecting the reservation conditions. During the reservation, the guest indicates the number of arriving guests . 7.2. Room reservation: On the page of the selected room, the Guest can proceed in the reservation process by clicking on the "ROOM RESERVATION" menu item. The system then automatically redirects the Guest to the website of the Service Provider's reservation system partner, where the Guest can finalize their reservation by selecting the reservation conditions. During the reservation, the guest indicates the number of arriving guests (in the category defined there) and selects the number of rooms he wishes to book. 7.3. Cancellation conditions: The Guest can find the conditions for canceling the reservation in the relevant menu item of the payment and cancellation reservation system. Any cancellation conditions published on the reservation system interface form part of this contract, so if the Guest finalizes his reservation, he acknowledges the cancellation conditions as binding on him. The Service Provider is entitled to amend the cancellation conditions unilaterally, without prior notification, with the Guest being governed by the cancellation conditions in force at the time of finalizing the reservation. 7.4. Finalization of the reservation: After selecting the necessary reservation conditions on the reservation system interface, after entering personal and payment details, after reading and accepting these "General Terms and Conditions" and the "Data Management Notice", the guest can finalize the reservation and pay by clicking on the "Book Now" button the service consideration.7.5. Method of payment: The guest can pay the total amount of the bill by bank card through the parter of the reservation system contracted to manage the payment services at all times. 7.6. The Customer must immediately notify the Service Provider by e-mail sent to, as the customer service address, if the card used during the purchase has been charged without authorization or has been misused in order for the Service Provider to take the necessary measures. The Service Provider hereby informs the Customer that payment service providers may take anti-fraud measures that restrict certain types of legal transactions or operations, for which the Service Provider assumes no responsibility, and is not responsible for the resulting restrictions or inconveniences. 7.7. Purchase offer: By placing the order - at the same time as paying the total amount of the invoice - the Guest submits a binding purchase offer regarding the content of the reservation. This purchase offer can only be submitted and forwarded to the Service Provider if the Guest has accepted the present "General Terms and Conditions" made available via a link during the booking process, as well as the "Data Management Notice". If the Guest does not agree with the provisions of this contract, or with the content of the "Data Management Notice" published on a separate link, he/she will not be able to submit his/her purchase offer to the Service Provider's system - thus without accepting the "General Terms and Conditions" or the "Data Management Notice" menu item directing the finalization of the reservation not clickable. If the Guest has any comments, questions, or needs to amend the terms of this contract or the Service Provider's data management activities, they can notify the Service Provider in an electronic mail sent to the e-mail address specified in this contract. , in the case of their mutual declaration of will, the present  DUNA P ’ART PANZIÓ, ÁZF5 contract, or they can conclude it according to the Privacy Notice, or with individual conditions and modified content. In the case of the unilateral will of the Guest, if the modification requests specified by the Guest are not acceptable to the Service Provider, no contract can be formed between the parties and the Guest cannot use the service. 7.8. Confirmation of the reservation: After submitting the reservation, the e-mail message confirming and accepting the reservation is sent to the e-mail account provided by the Guest on the reservation system interface from the Service provider's address A purchase offer that is binding on the Guest is accepted by the Service Provider as binding on itself, if and when the Service Provider confirms the finalization of the reservation by email. 7.9. The Service Provider issues the invoice to the billing name and address indicated by the Guest on the order interface. The identity of the guest, as the person who ordered the service, cannot be changed. The Service Provider sends the invoice to the Guest by electronic means to the e-mail address provided during the order. By accepting this contract, the Guest agrees to issue an electronic invoice to the Service Provider. 7.10. The contracting parties state that the Guest is entitled to take over the room(s) he/she has reserved from 2:00 p.m. on the day the reservation starts and must leave it by 10:00 a.m. on the closing day of the reservation. 7.11. The contracting parties also state that the Service Provider has the right to terminate this contract with immediate effect, thus refusing to provide services in whole or in part, if the Guest uses the provided room(s), the furnishings and equipment, or the facility in a manner not intended by the Guest. behaves in an objectionable or rude manner with respect to security, order, or its employees, is under the influence of alcohol or drugs, exhibits threatening, insulting, or other unacceptable behavior that is incompatible with the service, or if the Guest's health condition is suspected or proven to be suffering from an infectious disease. 7.12. Based on this contract, the Guest is entitled to the intended use of the room he has reserved, as well as the facilities of the accommodation, which are included in the scope of services he has paid for and are not subject to special conditions. 7.13. The Guest may make a complaint regarding the performance of the services provided by the Service Provider during the stay at the accommodation. During this period, the Service Provider undertakes to deal with a complaint submitted to it without confirmation in writing (or recorded by it in the protocol) within a deadline of 30 days, as defined in the law. 8. Liability for damages: 8.1. The Service Provider assumes responsibility for damage to the Guest, which has been proven to be the fault of the Service Provider's employees or the person(s) acting on behalf of the Service Provider. If the damage can be attributed to the behavior of both the Service Provider and the Guest, their responsibility is divided in proportion to their mutual influence. 8.2. The responsibility of the Service Provider does not extend to damage events that occurred due to unavoidable causes beyond the scope of the Service Provider's employees and guests, or caused by the Guest himself. 8.3. The Service Provider has the right to define rooms in the Accommodation that the Guest (and/or the person staying there with him) is not entitled to enter, and the Service Provider does not assume responsibility for any damage that may occur in those places, as they must be considered as damage that the Guest (and/or the person staying with him) person staying there) caused by himself.  DUNA P 'ART PANZIÓ, ÁZF68.4. Liability for damage resulting from possible shortcomings of the Accommodation shall be borne by the Service Provider - provided that it is not judged outside of breach of contract or according to the rules for damage caused by breach of contract - if the Service Provider has violated the rules regarding maintenance and/or during maintenance, in order to prevent damage, the Service Provider he did not act as is normally expected in the given situation. In case of doubt, the Service Provider is obliged to prove compliance with the rules regarding maintenance and that, in order to prevent damage during maintenance, the Service Provider acted as is generally expected in the given situation. Regarding the Service Provider's liability for damage caused by breach of contract or other than breach of contract, the Civil Code. governing rules. The service provider is not responsible for damages caused by guests' improper use of equipment or equipment. 8.5. The maximum amount of compensation is determined by the current Hungarian Civil Code. 8.6. The Guest is obliged to report the damage to the Service Provider immediately after detection, and must provide the Service Provider with all necessary data, which is necessary to clarify the circumstances of the damage and to record any police report/police procedure. 8.7. The Guest is responsible for all damages that the Guest and/or the person staying with him/her causes to the Service Provider or other third parties, regardless of whether the person has the right to claim compensation directly from the Service Provider. The guest is responsible for damages resulting from improper use of furnishings or equipment. 8.8. In the event that it becomes clear after the Guest's final departure that the Guest has undoubtedly caused property damage to the Service Provider or another Guest or a third party, the Service Provider is entitled to enforce the amount of damage against the Guest. In this case, the Service Provider must keep the evidence beyond doubt in its original state for 3 (three) years and, if necessary, make it available to the acting authority. In the event that, after the Guest's final departure, there is reason to assume that the Guest has caused property damage to the Service Provider or another Guest or a third party, the Service Provider is entitled to initiate police proceedings against the Guest in order to clarify the facts and is obliged to hand over all evidence in its possession to the acting authority. 8.9. The Service Provider is entitled to determine the amount of property damage caused by the guest and/or the person staying there with him. If the Guest staying at the Accommodation and/or the person staying there with him/her disputes the extent of the damage caused by him/her, he/she may turn to the superior of the employee determining the amount of damage for legal redress. If the Guest and/or the person staying with him still does not accept the amount of the established damage, he can take legal action according to the laws in force at all times. 9. Communication between the parties. Termination of the contract 9.1. The service provider reserves the right to refuse service provision with or without justification prior to the start of service provision. 9.2. This contract shall be terminated by the mutual fulfillment of the provisions therein. 9.3. The contracting parties consider it to be mutually written and accepted if their declaration of right to withdraw from the contract, modify it, terminate it or terminate it with immediate effect 7  DUNA P 'ART PANZIÓ, ÁSZF7 is sent to the other party via e-mail, which is mutually accepted by the parties in this contract as a form of written communication will be sent. The e-mail address of the Service Provider is the e-mail address specified in this contract, while any e-mail address used by the Guest as a form of communication during the service is considered accepted. 9.4. In case of invalidity of any provision of the contract, the legal consequences of the invalidity shall apply only to these provisions, the invalidity does not affect the rest of the contract. The invalid part is automatically replaced by the applicable legal provisions, provided that the Contracting Parties would have concluded the contract without the invalid part. 10. Confidentiality obligation 10.1. Within the framework of this contract, the contracting parties mutually undertake to keep secret and treat as confidential all business secrets, information, documents and all other materials that arise or come to their knowledge in connection with the execution of this contract, and they will never, for any reason, disclose or permit their disclosure to any third party. for a party, except if the Contracting Parties have a written agreement expressing their mutual will. In addition, they may not communicate with third parties any data that they have come to know in connection with the performance, and the disclosure of which would have adverse consequences for any of the Contracting Parties. The contracting parties state that if the performance of this contract includes the release of information subject to the confidentiality obligation contained in this chapter, the contracting party may only provide data that the other contracting party has provided in advance as information that can be released in writing. 11. Data protection, data management statement 11.1. By concluding this contract, the Guest consents to the Service Provider handling his personal data recorded during the performance of this contract within the framework of the performance of the contract, making them available to its data processing contractual partners if necessary. By concluding this contract, the Guest acknowledges and accepts that the period of storage of his personal data at all times the time specified in the applicable legislation, failing which, or accordingly, 5 years following the termination of the contract, after which they will be deleted. 11.2. The Service Provider treats any personal data and information received from the Guest as confidential, does not disclose it to third parties, and does not use it for advertising, publicity, or marketing purposes without the express written consent of the Guest outside of this contract. 11.3. The Service Provider informs its Guests that in the course of its service activities, the Service Provider is considered a data controller, during which, with the consent of the data subject, it can process the personal data of the affected person (Guest) using the service in accordance with the provisions of the "Data Management Information" document published on the Service Provider's website. 11.4. The Guest, as a person affected by data management, is entitled to receive information, inspect and receive a copy of the personal data concerning him. The person concerned has the right to request from the controller access to personal data relating to him, their correction, deletion or restriction of processing; you can object to the processing of such personal and special data, as well as exercise the right to data portability. You are entitled to withdraw your consent at any time, which does not affect the legality of the data processing carried out on the basis of the consent before the withdrawal. You are also entitled to submit a complaint to the supervisory authority (National Data Protection and Freedom of Information Authority). Contact details of the supervisory authority: National Data Protection and Freedom of Information Authority; website:; Postal address: 1363 Budapest, Pf.: 3.; E-mail:; Phone number: +36 (1) 391-1400.  DUNA P ’ART PANZIÓ, ÁZF811.5. The Service Provider's full-scale data management activities, the rights and legal remedies of the data subject are contained in the Service Provider's Data Management Information. 12. Final provisions 12.1. This contract - if the reservation is made electronically and not at the Accommodation, with the parties present in person - is considered an absentee contract. Matters not regulated in this contract are governed by Hungarian legislation in force at all times, with particular regard to the provisions of Act V of 2013 on the Civil Code, as well as Act 45/2014 on the detailed rules of contracts between consumers and businesses in relation to distance contracts. (II. 26.) to certain provisions of the Government Decree (hereinafter: Government Decree). Pursuant to Article 29 (1) point l) of the Government Decree, the Guest as a consumer may not exercise the right of withdrawal and termination pursuant to Article 20 of the Government Decree. 12.2 By entering into this contract, the Guest acknowledges that the Service Provider's current House Rules, which its content can be found on the Service Provider's website under the "House Rules" menu item. 12.3. The contracting parties wish to resolve any legal disputes arising from this contract primarily through peaceful means, within the framework of conciliation negotiations. In the case of initiation of proceedings before the Conciliation Board, the conciliation board of the Guest's place of residence or residence is competent for the proceedings. On the basis of the guest's request to this effect, instead of the conciliation body at the consumer's place of residence or residence, the application can be submitted to the conciliation body at the place of performance of the contract or the headquarters of the business concerned by the consumer dispute, or the body authorized to represent it. the company affected by the legal dispute or the body authorized to represent it is established at its seat, however, instead of the conciliation body mentioned here, the body at the place of performance of the contract is also competent for the procedure, based on the consumer's request, if the performance is inland. If several consumers submit an application jointly, any applicant-competent body is competent for all applicants. According to the seat of the service provider, the competent conciliation body is the Pest County Conciliation Body (055 Budapest, Balassi Bálint u. 25. IV/2.; Mailing address: 1364 Budapest, Pf.: 81; E-mail address: 12.5. Contact information of the Consumer Protection Inspectorate of the Pest County Government Office: Lehel utca 43-47, 1135Budapest; Postal address: 1365 Budapest, Pf.: 270.; telephone number: +36 1 329-7017; e-mail: You can submit your consumer protection complaint at any government window and district office in person, by post or by e-mail. 12.6. The contracting parties have read this contract as if it is in accordance with their will in all respects and sign it with approval.
Cancellation Policy
Cancellation policy might differ, depending on the available rate. Please check the exact cancellation policy next to the Rate name.

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Property Information

Duna P'Art Panzió - Hungary
Phone: +36300921696
Mobile: +36300921696
2621 - Verőce
Árpád út 2/b
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NTAK reg. number:

Dunap'Art Panzió is run as a family business. We trust that whoever visits us once will be touched by the charm of the area, the unique location of the building, and the local characteristics, and we will soon be able to welcome you as our returning guest. We have created eight rooms in the guesthouse, four of which open onto the Danube with a dazzling panorama and huge glass windows. A breathtaking and unique experience, the sight unfolding before us from the tub standing in the space. We have collected the program options, attractions and gastronomic specialties in the area so that those who visit us can have the most comprehensive and complete experience possible. We look forward to seeing you!
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